Best Bus Services to travel from Lahore to Hyderabad
Are you planning a bus trip from Lahore to Hyderabad? You’re in the right place! In this article, we will provide information on the best buses and how to travel from Lahore to Hyderabad. We’ll cover travel times, available bus options, and the scenic views you can expect along the way. Let’s dive in!
Travel Time & Distance from Lahore to Hyderabad by Bus:
The distance from Lahore to Hyderabad is around 1040 Km. Travel time from Lahore to Hyderabad by bus is approximately 14 to 16 hours by Motorways M-3 (Lahore – Multan Motorway) and M5, (Multan – Sukkur Motorway). Almost all bus services take this route to travel between Lahore and Hyderabad.
Best Bus Services to travel from Lahore to Hyderabad
Here is the list of the best bus services to travel from Lahore to Hyderabad:
- Faisal Movers
- Daewoo Express
- Waraich Express
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Faisal Movers Lahore to Hyderabad:
Faisal Movers can help you get from one city to the other without breaking the bank. This is the finest luxury and best bus service between Lahore and Hyderabad. It consists of Executive, Sleeper Bus and Business Class seats. The fare for these classes varies from one another.
Faisal Movers Lahore to Hyderabad Ticket Price:
To travel from Lahore to Hyderabad via Faisal Movers costs you:
Ticket Prices
Bus Type | Ticket Price (PKR) |
Executive Class | 5800 |
Sleeper Bus | 8500 |
To check updated fares for other cities we advise you to please visit Faisal Mover Updated Ticket Price list.
How to Book Faisal Movers ticket for Lahore to Hyderabad?
There are two ways to book your ticket by Faisal Movers. Here you go with the two ways:
- Calling helpline for phone booking:
- Use BOOKKARU app
But how would you use the Bookkaru app to get your ticket for Hyderabad is a question still unanswered. Let’s find out.
- You need to choose your location, destination, and departure date.
- Press the search button to get your necessary details. This way you will get the available times and other relevant details.
- Besides, you need to add your details such as contact number, CNIC, etc. You will get your invoice and email from BOOKKARU to your given number.
- You can use different methods to pay your invoice. You can use JazzCash, Credit/Debit Card, Easypaisa, and Bookkaru Wallet.
From where do you get your ticket?
It’s a pretty cool thing that Faisal Movers offers you to get your tickets booked through Faisal Movers online booking service. Aside from that, you can also get your ticket from Faisal Mover’s terminals. The details of the Faisal Movers terminals in Lahore are given below:
Main Terminal Abdullah Travels Lahore:
- Faisal Movers Abdullah Travels near Niazi Adda Band Road Lahore
Contact numbers: 042-111-22-44-88 and 0311-1224488
Other Terminals
- City District Govt. Bus terminal near Yateem Khana chowk, Band Road Lahore
- Jinnah Terminal near Thokar Niaz Baig
Daewoo Express Lahore to Hyderabad:
Daewoo Express is a privately owned and well-known transport company in Pakistan. It is one of the safe and comfortable bus transports in Pakistan. Daewoo Express offers you the best bus service to travel from Lahore to Hyderabad. They have Daewoo Sleeper Bus which offers you the best experience on that route. The reasons to choose Daewoo Express over other bus services to travel from Lahore to Hyderabad are as follows:
- Convenient and luxurious
- Affordable fares
- Well-trained and educated staff
- Daewoo Express operates a bus from Lahore to Hyderabad three times a day.
How to Book a Daewoo Express ticket from Lahore to Hyderabad?
Without visiting the terminals, you can book and purchase your ticket using the online booking service of Daewoo Express. Go to Daewoo’s Website and click on “online tickets.” Then enter all the required information there. You will be given a Daewoo Ticket. You can pay for your ticket now.
Daewoo Express Lahore to Hyderabad Ticket Price:
To travel from Lahore to Hyderabad via Daewoo Express costs you:
Bus Type | Ticket Price (PKR) |
Luxury Bus | 6900 |
Gold Class | 8460 |
Sleeper Bus | 9030 |
To check updated fares, we advise you to visit the Daewoo Express Updates Ticket Price list.
Daewoo Lahore to Hyderabad Bus timings:
Lahore to Hyderabad Luxury Bus: 07:00 AM
Lahore to Hyderabad Business Class: 02:00 PM and 10:00 PM
Lahore to Hyderabad Sleeper Bus: 11:00 PM
For Detailed bus timings visit Daewoo Express Bus Timings
Waraich Express Lahore to Hyderabad:
Waraich Express is one of the oldest transport companies in Pakistan, founded in the 1960s. With years of experience, it offers reliable services to its customers. The company has a large fleet of comfortable buses, ensuring a pleasant journey. Known for its low prices, Waraich Express provides some of the cheapest fares for travelling from Lahore to Hyderabad, making it a great option for budget travellers.
How to Book a Waraich Express ticket for Lahore to Hyderabad?
You can visit Waraich Express terminal, which is located at Rahber Travels Band Road Lahore, to get your ticket or else book your ticket through the online booking system of Waraich Express or by using the Bookme app.
Waraich Express Lahore to Hyderabad Ticket fares:
Waraich Express charges 5500/- for the ticket from Lahore to Hyderabad.
To check updated fares, we advise you to visit the Waraich Express Updated Ticket Price list.
Waraich Express Departure Time
Time: 11:00 AM & 1:45 PM
In this blog, we have covered all of the best bus services to travel from Lahore to Hyderabad. If you have tried all other bus services, then why not give a chance to all of the above-mentioned bus services as well? So, get yourself ready to travel to The City of Lights. Grab your ticket by selecting one of the above bus services and let us know in the comments how easily you selected the best bus service to travel from Lahore to Hyderabad.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the cheapest way to travel from Lahore to Hyderabad?
You can travel from Lahore to Hyderabad by bus with a starting ticket price of RS 5000
How much time do buses take from Hyderabad to Lahore?
Buses take around 14 to 16 hours from Hyderabad to Lahore or Lahore to Hyderabad.
Does Faisal Movers or Daewoo go to Hyderabad?
Yes, both companies operate different routes from Hyderabad like Lahore, Islamabad, Multan etc.
What is the best bus from Lahore to Hyderabad?
Daewoo Sleeper is one of the best buses from Lahore to Hyderabad. The other bus is Faisal Movers business class.
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