Travel from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad by Bus, Train, Car or Air

Travel from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad by Bus, Train, Car or flight

Travel from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad by Bus: A Guide to Travel between the Two Cities

Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan and is administered by the Pakistani federal government as part of the Islamabad Capital Territory.

Muzaffarabad is the capital and largest city of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan located near the confluence of the Jhelum and Neelum rivers.

Looking for a guide on how to travel Islamabad to Muzaffarabad by bus? If so, you have come to the right place! In this blog post, we will provide you with all the information you need to make the journey between these two cities. We will discuss departure and arrival times, ticket prices, and what to expect during your trip. So, whether you are planning a visit to Azad Jammu Kashmir, or are simply curious about this mode of transportation, read on for all the details!

Islamabad to Muzaffarabad Travel Time & Route:

There are two possible ways to travel from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad (AJK). The first one is to travel through Motorways E75 (Murree Express Way); The total distance is around 137 KM and through this route you can reach Muzaffarabad in around 3 hours 18 Mins. The second one is through Hazara Motorway (M-15) which is 214KMs; you can reach Muzaffarabad in almost 4 hours.

Travel from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad by Bus:

To travel from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad by bus there are two major buses which are operating on the route.

Skyways bus service operates from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad; they have departure after every 30 Mins From Islamabad Terminal.

Another direct bus service from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad is called Srinagar Express. This bus service operates from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad, Karachi to Muzaffarabad and Lahore to Muzaffarabad. 

Islamabad to Muzaffarabad Bus Timings:

Direct buses of Skyways and Srinagar Express from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad usually leaves after every 30 Mins and arrives at the destination in around 3 hours 30 Mins. Services from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad are available 24/7 and then you need to get a public transport such as coasters, hi-ace or taxi towards Muzaffarabad from Islamabad.

Islamabad to Muzaffarabad bus Ticket Price:

The price for a ticket from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad ranges from Rs 600 to 650, depending on the type of seat you choose.

How to Book Bus Tickets from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad?

It is worth noting that tickets can be booked in advance or purchased on the day of departure, but they tend to sell out quickly during peak season. So, if you are planning on traveling between these two cities by bus, it is advisable to book your tickets well in advance. You can book tickets from towards Muzaffarabad from Islamabad or Lahore.

Other ways to Travel to Muzaffarabad:

There are other ways to travel to Muzaffarabad from Islamabad, including train and air. However, we recommend the bus or car as they provide the most flexibility and opportunity to see more of Pakistan.

What to Expect:

Travel from Lahore to Muzaffarabad by bus is a long but scenic one, and travelers can expect to see beautiful landscapes along the way. The route passes through many cities, so there are plenty of opportunities for stopovers if you need to use the bathroom or grab a bite to eat. Additionally, the bus makes a few other stops along the way, so passengers have a chance to stretch their legs and take some photos. Overall, it is an enjoyable journey that provides a glimpse into life in Pakistan. We hope this guide has been helpful and that you have a safe and enjoyable journey when traveling from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad by Bus or other means!

Trips from Lahore


Frequently Asked Questions:

How much time bus take to get from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad?

Buses take 3 and half hours to reach Muzaffarabad from Islamabad.

Does Daewoo Express operate on Islamabad -Muzaffarabad route?

No, Daewoo Express does not operate on Islamabad -Muzaffarabad route.

Do Faisal Movers operate on Islamabad -Muzaffarabad route?

No, Faisal Movers does not operate on Islamabad -Muzaffarabad route.

Which is best bus service on Islamabad to Muzaffarabad route?

Srinagar Express and Skyways is the best bus service on Islamabad to Muzaffarabad route.

What are bus ticket fares from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad?

Islamabad to Muzaffarabad bus Fares starting from Rs 600.

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